How to return your order on Shein: A complete guide
You can return the item within 40 days from the day of the delivery . Follow the same process as you do for other sites like go to the order and cancel item(if there are multiple item you can cancel the item one by one or in bulk). You can return the item within 40 days from the day of the delivery . Follow the same process as you do for other sites like go to the order and cancel item(if there are multiple item you can cancel the item one by one or in bulk). How to return your order on Shein: A complete guide THE FOLLOWING ARE THE STEPS TO RETURN/REFUND THE PRODUCT: 1 Sign into your Shein account. 2 Find the order in My Orders, click the “Return Item” button. 3 Select the item you would like to return, Give the reasons and then submit. 4 Select the mailing method: self-sending or pick-up service( choose the pick-up address) 5 The logistics company will contact you as soon as possible, please wait for the courier to pick up the package. 6 They will confirm the parcel immediately ...